Womb Talks
Dr Amanda Waaldyk, Founder of All Natural Pharmacy (ANP) dives into debunking the myths when it comes to our menstrual cycle through a series of Womb Talks. Womb Talks started as an Insta Live experience, moderated with Teresa Truda to open the dialogue for all menstruators. Amanda's mission through ANP is to educate women globally on their cycles, talking openly about our womb, so we can all make better informed health decisions. It's time to talk openly about periods. Period. allnaturalpharmacy.com.au
Womb Talks
7 - PMS & Understanding your Hormones
All Natural Pharmacy
Season 1
Episode 7
In the week(s) leading up to our period we often feel irritated, overly emotional, have sore boobs and can’t seem to reason with anyone.
We call this PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome). But, do we actually truly understand what is happening to our bodies? What our hormones are up to? What PMS actually truly means and how it impacts our cycle and overall lifestyle? How we can better prepare for the devil within us to come out pre out Aunt Flo arriving? The term PMS gets thrown around pretty loosely and sometimes with very little context.
This Womb Talks episode with Founder Dr Amanda Waaldyk & CEO Teresa Truda discusses PMS, really simply & understanding what happens to your hormones during your cycle.