Womb Talks
Dr Amanda Waaldyk, Founder of All Natural Pharmacy (ANP) dives into debunking the myths when it comes to our menstrual cycle through a series of Womb Talks. Womb Talks started as an Insta Live experience, moderated with Teresa Truda to open the dialogue for all menstruators. Amanda's mission through ANP is to educate women globally on their cycles, talking openly about our womb, so we can all make better informed health decisions. It's time to talk openly about periods. Period. allnaturalpharmacy.com.au
Womb Talks
1 - The Not So Normal Period
All Natural Pharmacy
Season 1
Episode 1
Alright, let’s talk periods, ladies. And be real about it. Most of us have grown up thinking that our periods are normal. No matter what we’re served monthly when our Aunt Flo Flo rears its head. We’ve been conditioned on what we accept as normal when it comes to our periods. To accept the pain, the mood swings, the erratic irrational mind, heavy bleeding, clots... the list goes on. But actually, what if we look at what a 'normal' period looks and feels like? Hear Dr Amanda Waaldyk interviewed by Teresa Truda to better understand our periods and what's normal.